"Why don't you have a website?!". I've heard this question too many times now to ignore it and so finally bit the bullet and created an outlet for my art. Being a scientist and an artist by heart, I have a unique platform from which to develop art and design pieces that are totally different. I hope you like the works and please do visit my IG page: darkchemarts for updates and other works. 

My Story

I have been, academically at least, good at two things: art and science and I'm so grateful to be able to creatively express this complimentary balance of right and left brain thinking. I strongly believe in co-creation and the sounding out of ideas to create unique pieces of art that are meaningful. With a scientific background, I can give a unique perspective for inspiration and can also help with the expression of scientific and medical concepts through art. So let's have a chat and see what we can create together. 

Sinem Ayman, PhD